Posted by the Executor under various aliases: Taken from Count Dooku I have good news for you. The war has begun. Darth Sideous Excellent. Everything is going as planned. Yoda Hear you we can. Yes... Mace Windu That's right! We know all about your evil scheme. Man, you motherfuckers are going down! I'm gonna kick your asses so far you're gonna need a passport to take a dump!!! Darth Sideous Lord Tyranus! I thought you said this place was safe! Now I'm going to have to come up with something new, INCLUDING a new apprentice!! Now you will pay for your lack of vision! Senator Binks Hey, wassen yousa doin' here? Dissen my newsgroup. Mesa wantin' yousa to leave. Han Solo Well, look at you, a Senator, huh? Senator Binks Oh, well, someone musten have told theyssen about mesa little maneuver at da battle of Naboo. Han Solo Well, don't look at me, pal. I just said you were a fair fighter. I didn't know they were lookin' for somebody to represent this crazy planet. Senator Binks Mesa planet kawaisy? Wassen yousa sayin'? Han Solo Being a Senator ain't like dusting crops, kid. Without precise wisdom and panache you'd bring your planet into a war or lose your entire army, and that would cost you your job real quick now, wouldn't it? Senator Binks Yousa point is...well said. But mesa goin' to bed now. Da regular posters soon bein' back here, and they no likin' outsiders! Mesa goin' to N'Zoth tomorrow to go into...regressive negotiations! Han Solo Regressive negotiations... you mean spyin'? Senator Binks Yousa mighten be sayin' dat. Han Solo So that's what they're callin' it these days. Senator Binks Mesa like bein' da representative!