From: Jeffrey Smith ( Subject: [PROPOSAL] Newsgroups: alt.config,, rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc View this article only Date: 1999/05/21 For your newsgroups file: - Urging the painful death of Jar Jar Binks Charter: This newsgroup will be dedicated to and urging the agonizing death of the computer generated character Jar Jar Binks Justification: Star Wars: Episode One: The Phantom Menace is one of the most anticipated movies in history, if not *the* most anticipated. However, the extreme hype surrounding the opening of the movie has led to depression in some circles as expectations were not met. There are thousands of diverse opinions on how good the movie is - some people feel the movie is the greatest thing since sliced bread, while others believe that George Lucas has obviously lost his mind. In almost all quarters, however, there is agreement that one of the flaws in the movie is the computer generated character Jar Jar Binks. Designed as comic relief, he is so overdone that it is not unknown that audience members will wince at his antics, if not clutch themselves in physical pain. This group will have two purposes - to allow George Lucas to understand how annoying the character is, which hopefully will prevent similar errors in Episodes Two and Three. As a secondary goal (with a lower probability of success, but almost as great a payoff for the fans as the success of goal one), the users of the group will express thier desire for Jar Jar Binks to die a horrible, agonizing death. **** **** **** **** SubGenius Police, Usenet Tactical Unit (Mobile), aka S.P.U.T.U.M. Unit CLXXXVII: "Primum Nocere Parahuman Ragnarok Initiators,METAsysop Element